Monday, July 28, 2008

Nashville Trip

July 19 two of our former students and now close friends, Keith and Sarah, got married, thus giving us a great excuse to fly back to Nashville! It was one of the most beautiful and meaningful weddings I've ever been involved in. What a great time we had helping and visiting with friends. My only regret is that I didn't take more pictures! Really, I'm very sad about it because who knows when we'll be back in Nashville. But, what I am thankful for is all the great memories we made during the week we were there. We definitely made the most of our time! We saw as many people and got as little sleep as possible I think!

And, we received an answer to prayer. Prior to our trip Hannah's homesickness increasingly got worse. Daily, she'd say things like, "I don't like this house. I want my old house.", etc. Well, since we still own our house in Nashville we decided to take her in and let her say goodbye to it. Her first response was "It really is empty". Our visit there went very well and she now says that she likes both her old and her new houses. And we haven't had a bout of homesickness yet since being back in Seattle. Maybe this was the reason we had not sold our house. So, now that that's done, let's get on with it!

Here are some of the few pictures I did take........

Alanna, Cagney (maid of honor), Sarah (bride), me, Esther & Janet (Mother of the bride) arriving at the rehearsal.

Hannah had such a good time playing with her old buddies, Ethan and Naomi. The two girls were so cute together at the wedding. They were spotted dancing together by the punch table. So cute!

What a great couple!

Who's that handsome man in a tux?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hate that I missed that trip to Na$hVega$.....Dale, you look super-cute in the tux, my brother!
